Today’s South Dakota Army National Guard remains strong with more than 3,100 Soldiers available to execute its missions. The SDARNG resides in 21 communities but is made up of members from nearly every corner of the state. The nerve center for the SDARNG resides at the state headquarters at Camp Rapid in Rapid City.

The mission of the SDARNG is to provide combat capability to the war fight, security for the homeland and provide combat ready units in three roles: federal, state and community.

The Army Guard offers a broad range of job skills including engineering, artillery, logistics, transportation, military police, pilots, vehicle and aircraft maintenance, firefighting, medical services, communications, musicians and public affairs, to name a few.

With both a state and a federal mission, the SDARNG provides combat capable personnel and equipment to fight along side active-duty forces during overseas contingency operations. This requirement for worldwide mobility, deployment, and operations is the benchmark of excellence of the SDARNG. At the same time, units must also provide resources and a disciplined force to protect life and property during natural disasters, civil disorders and other emergencies.

Our Mission:

Providing ready forces to support global and domestic requirements under the direction of civil authority.

Our Vision:

The most professional, competent and reliable National Guard organization in the United States of America.

Our Values:

The South Dakota National Guard's primary values are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage and excellence in all we do.