MISSION:  The South Dakota National Guard provides ready forces to support global and domestic requirements under the direction of civil authority.

Federal Mission: Provide combat ready, mission-capable forces throughout the entire spectrum of conflict under the direction of the president.

State Mission: Provide units to assist and support civil authorities in the protection of life and property, preserve peace, order and public safety under the direction of the governor.

VISION: The SDNG will be the most professional, competent and reliable National Guard organization in the United States of America.

VALUES: The SDNG’s primary values are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage, and excellence in all we do.

SDNG STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2014-2018:  For the past several years, leaders from the South Dakota Army and Air National Guard have been collaborating to launch a five-year strategic plan for our organization. A strategic plan outlines an organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals established over a period of time. The objectives within the plan are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-driven focused on organizational challenges internal and external to the South Dakota National Guard.


Taking excellent care of our Soldiers, Airmen and families is the top priority

  • Our Soldiers and Airmen are our most precious resource. Without our families' support, we cannot fulfill our duties.
  • Our members must know it is a sign of strength, not weakness, to ask for help with personal struggles.

Readiness - Always ready, always there to support our state and federal missions.

Safety - No training event could possibly justify the loss of a Soldier or Airman.

Ensure the SDNG Remains Relevant - Secure future, cutting-edge missions for both Army and Air so we stay relevant for decades to come. Update our facilities and training areas.

Embrace Diversity and Practice Inclusion - Increase numbers of women and minorities, and make certain that all of our members are able to achieve the highest positions of leadership. Continually practice leadership that is inclusive of others.

Enhance Communications - Use social media to maximize information flow to our members and public.

Capitalize on opportunities that bring our Army & Air Guard members closer - Enhance the Joint Staff, conduct joint strategic planning and identify training opportunities that involve both Air and Army.

State Partnership Program - Foster mutually beneficial relationships and exchanges with Suriname.

Developing Leaders - Continually teach, coach and mentor our Soldiers and Airmen. Always remember, tell others about the potential you see in them.